Nicole Barron is a well-loved-to-happiness wife, a mom of 4 strong confident kids, a compelling worship leader, emotive singer, songwriter and Canadian musician from a small town, with a genuine heart and driving passion to reach the broken and hurting for God.

Nicole Barron is an award winning singer and songwriter, recognized in Nashville, TN, in 2011 as a Top Performer for her singing performance at the renowned Tom Jackson Productions. Her song, Children of Peace, received Honourable Mention in the elusive Billboard Songwriting Competition in 2009.

Her voice and style have flavors of Plumb and Eva Cassidy mixed with the passion and storytelling of Big Daddy Weave. She’s a proficient pianist so when she accompanies herself there’s an alluring intimacy; she needs nothing else – it’s perfectly enough. But get a band behind her and watch the energy explode. She has a marvelous gift of emotive singing, stirring the very depths of your emotion, stirring up the soil of your heart, warming and watering it. We all know well-worked soil better receives the Seed. Her powerful moving performance combined with her skillful delivery of clear teaching makes her music and speaking ministry amazingly effective and lasting. The presence of the Spirit in her is so invigorating.

Her newly released album, RISE UP, is a moving compilation of songs chosen to fire up courage and confidence in God’s tender love for us, reminding us of God’s truth, stirring up the determination to “rise up and fight” for righteousness. The songs are all drawn from Nicole’s own experiences of abuse, fear and pain. The album features the title song, Rise Up (Debbie’s Song), the song through which God spoke to Debbie (Nicole’s dear friend), strengthening her to rise up and fight against the terrible eating disorder that was trying to take her life. The song has been a life-saver for many more women since. In 2012, Nicole partnered with BANA (Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association), along with a government grant, to produce an evocative music video of this song, which BANA continues to use in its promotion of its dominant message that “beauty comes from within”.

She’s no stranger to struggle and pain. In the midst of raising kids and performing, and leading worship, Nicole battled crippling fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue immune dysfunction, and rheumatoid arthritis. Perhaps it was a combination of holy stubbornness and God’s unrelenting grace, Nicole was able to continue her passions. Nicole spent 17 years in music ministry, leading worship, while recording her own music, performing with her band on the side at various secular and church events, and while hosting Bible studies, and raising her 4 kids along with her devoted husband, Art. Together they ran enormously successful fundraising events for the charity Art presides over, REACH International. All through this, Nicole was ill for 10 years!

But God is immensely gracious, and through His Wisdom and gift of understanding, Nicole studied and became an expert in nutrition and health which brought a ton of help and relief to her in the midst of the illness. In November 2012, Nicole received a miraculous overnight healing. And the crippling burden of the last 10 years was finally lifted. The new ministry direction God is leading Nicole stems from revelation and wisdom God shared with her during this season.

Her new ministry: to bind up the broken-hearted, to strengthen and fill them, to teach and empower so they can boldly follow God’s calling. To build a mosaic army, an army of many broken pieces, that together are strong and beautiful, and mighty through Christ.

A friend to hurting souls, a kind heart, safe place and honest friend. Making deep insights plain and clear, led by the Holy Spirit, anchored in the Word of God.

Nicole believes that all hope comes from God’s Word, and it is through God’s Word in us that we are redeemed. It is through the Word we find victory, peace, joy, faith, hope, power, and provision… among many other wonderful things, which is why the Word is very alive in her. Ever true to God’s Word, she is able to make it plain and clear, using her gift of understanding to bring understanding. And it is through wisdom and understanding the truth that all are made not only free, but empowered to fulfill God’s will on earth… Nicole’s mission in a nutshell. To God be all the glory.